11 May
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Agricultural Irrigation with Solar Energy
In agricultural lands outside the residential areas, the electricity needed by using the sun's rays can be used in agricultural areas and agricultural irrigation can be done. Agricultural irrigation with solar energy has increased considerably over the years. Especially in agricultural lands far from the city, it may be difficult to reach the electricity grid or even the electricity grid may not be available. It needs electrical energy in order to irrigate the soil conveniently and comfortably by drilling. Of course, this need can also be met with diesel or fossil-sourced energies, but due to the price increases in diesel, this will make you very hard financially.
Solar energy is preferred because it is more economical and quieter. In addition, the solar energy system does not cause any harm to the environment. It does not emit harmful effects such as radiation and smoke to the environment during operation. It is environmentally friendly and because its source is the sun, it is inexhaustible and constantly renews itself. Most importantly, there is no additional fuel cost.
Apart from agricultural irrigation, you can also solve the lighting problem in your land. Solar energy systems will help you a lot in your large lands, as things like I forgot to buy fuel, generator malfunctioned will not be out of question. Ease of use and affordability are the biggest advantages of these systems.
The most important issue during the installation of the system is to consider the direction of the sun rays to the land and to position the panels correctly. The right panels suitable for your land should be used. The reason for this is that the required energy must be fully supplied while pumping during irrigation. If irrigation will be done at night, you can draw your water into a tank. You can store the energy obtained from the sun during the day in a battery and use it at night.
Types of Irrigation Systems with Solar Energy
There are several options for solar irrigation systems. Which of these systems you choose is very important. The width, length and width of the area (land) you want to irrigate, the depth of the well and how much water you want to get per hour are the factors that play an important role in your selection. DC pumps are generally used in garden type irrigation areas. Three-phase systems should be preferred for irrigation in large and wide lands and in lands that need more water per hour. However, this system requires greater power and costs higher than DC pumps.
If the irrigation activity will be carried out at night in general, batteries should be used in these systems. In such systems, single-phase pumps and inverters that produce mains electricity should also be used. It is also possible to irrigate with mobile solar energy. This system, which we call mobile, consists of solar panels installed on a trailer, and it is possible to travel and irrigate more than one field. However, these mobile systems are more costly than fixed systems, but if there are other land owners near you, these land owners can be rented to earn financial gain.
It is not possible to say anything clear about the cost of the field irrigation system with solar energy. Because the cost varies according to the power and capacity of your submersible pump. In addition, correct placement of the panels from the very beginning of the installation and placing enough panels are also very important cost issues in order to capture the sun's rays at the maximum level.
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